Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer is Over?

Today is the last day of summer vacation. I'm torn. I'm glad the kids will be returning to school and making new friends and playing sports and enjoying all of their new school supplies. I'm bummed becasue we have had sooo much fun this summer.

Trips to the river with friends, cooking and canning and picking corn and berries. A trip to Montana for my mom's 70th birthday and camping at my parents cabin at McDonald pass. Time has flown by so quickly.

I named this blog Life. In a Jar. Everyone I look in my kitchen I am surrounded by jars. Some of the are filled with delightful things like bludeberry bbq sauce, or spicy peaches, or maple onion jam. The jars that are filled with food are also filled with memories we mad while picking the blueberries or trying to decided which combination of flavors will be the best. Some of the jars may be filled with a tear or two shed over a fight with my husband or my teenage daughter. Some are spicy, some are sweet and some are just plain horrible. Kind of like life, I guess.

I'm still surrounded by empty jars as well, ones that are waiting to be filled up with pumpkin butter and carrot cake jam. Beans and cucmbers from the garden. Corn and carrots. Some are empty because we have shared the goodness inside with family and friends while we all ate and talked and laughed and loved and cried.

No, I'm not really ready for summer to be over despite all of the goodness that fall brings. I have enjoyed every minute of this summer . . . even the fights and the tears and the angst that raising a teen daughter can bring. I will savor every last bit of sunshine today and the day with my kids before school starts again and our lifes are dicated by homework and routine and field trips and boy friends. Today, my life is like a jar, just waiting to be filled up. It may be both good and bad but I'll take it all.

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